
We are enhancing our methods of donation so that you can make your sapling donations more easily to the foresTourism. You can now donate via text message in addition to donating via money transfer and online payment. Your donations, which can be made through Turkcell,...

Online payment method, which is the safest and fastest way to make your donations to the Tourism Professionals' Forest, is now available. You can also donate with your credit card or prepaid (debit) cards using OGEMVAK's secure infrastructure operated by SSL and 3D Secure.The entire...

Our Tourism Professionals' Forest website, which is a part of the Association of Tourism Academicians website, will now continue its activities on its own website. This will make it easier for us to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the Tourism Professionals' Forest.Tourism...

According to a report prepared after the fire in Hatay, the fire department interfered 41 houses and 70 older citized have been impacted by the fire. The incident will be investigated in detail.The creatures living in the ecosystem make the silent screams of forest fires....